Friday, 30 June, 2023
It was very hot today.
Today I understood the mean of ‘convey’! ChatGPT taught me. I became to be able to make a sentence using ‘convey’. For example… Her behavior conveys that she is nervious.
I have a piano lesson tomorrow. It’s time to practice.
AI-based editing results
Friday, June 30, 2023
It was scorching hot today.
Today, I understood the meaning of ‘convey’! ChatGPT taught me. Now I am able to construct sentences using ‘convey’. For example… Her behavior conveys that she is nervous.
I have a piano lesson tomorrow. It’s time to practice.
“It was very hot today.”を “It was scorching hot today.”に変えました。ここでの”scorching”は「灼熱の」という意味で、より強い暑さを表現しています。 “mean”は「意味」という意味なので、「the mean of ‘convey’”ではなく、「the meaning of ‘convey’」が正しいです。 “I became to be able to make a sentence”の部分は少し不自然です。代わりに”I am now able to construct sentences”と言い換えました。 “nervious”のスペルは正しくは”nervous”です。 “It’s time to practice.”のままですが、この部分は正しいです。