English Hello World
English essays to improve my English

April 3, 2024

scrum event

Monday, 3 April, 2024

It was a day of scrum event of my project team, which the members of project reported weekly outcome to product owners. Also I attended to retrospective, which the member of project looked back last sprint and discuss how to improve the way of development. We have these events every week, so we are able to deliver out product to customer rapidly.

And today my partner who live with me was a little sick, so he was absent from working. His condition now became good, so we are going to have curry for dinner.

My tasks of this sprint are a little difficult for me…so I’m nervous. I don’t have capability of doing all of tasks out project should do.

Automatic Correction Results by AI

The correction results are as follows:

Overall Comments

Great job on your diary entry! You did well in describing your day and sharing your feelings. Just a few minor corrections to improve the grammar and clarity.

Revised Diary

Monday, 3 April 2024

Today was the weekly scrum event for my project team, where the members reported the outcomes to the product owners. I also attended the retrospective, where we reviewed the last sprint and discussed ways to improve our development process. These events occur every week, allowing us to deliver our product to the customer rapidly.

My partner, who lives with me, was a little sick today and had to stay home from work. Thankfully, he is feeling better now, and we plan to have curry for dinner.

The tasks assigned to me for this sprint are a bit challenging, so I’m feeling nervous. I’m not sure if I have all the capabilities required to complete all the tasks our project needs to accomplish.

Explanation of Corrections

  1. Changed “of” to “for” in “events of my project team” to make it clearer (events for my project team).
  2. Corrected “which the members of project reported” to “where the members reported” for smoother sentence flow.
  3. Revised “deliver out product to customer rapidly” to “deliver our product to the customer rapidly” for correctness.
  4. Adjusted “so he was absent from working” to “so he was absent from work” for proper phrasing.
  5. Replaced “His condition now became good” with “Thankfully, he is feeling better now” for more natural English.
  6. Changed “tasks of this sprint are a little difficult for me” to “tasks assigned to me for this sprint are a bit challenging” for clarity.
  7. Corrected “I don’t have capability of doing all of tasks out project should do” to “I’m not sure if I have all the capabilities required to complete all the tasks our project needs to accomplish” to improve clarity and grammar. (complete)
Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or thoughts!