English Hello World
English essays to improve my English

April 27, 2024

soy source

Saturday, 27 April 2024

Yesterday terrible thing happend. My housemate accidentally scattered soy source all over the room. He drank so much that he didn’t realize what he did, so he fell into asleep immediately. The room was full of the smell of soy source. During night, I was desperately cleaning all over the room. However, I wasn’t able to find out where drops were actually scattered. The room is too messy to search. Even thought the smell was reduced with my effort, there was still faint smell.

Today I found soy source in a narrow spece on surface of a speaker. It is supporsed to be the reason of faint smell, so I managed to clean that space with plastic card. I covered that card with wet cloth and inserted it into that space. Such a hard work. I hope that the smell vanishes.

This morning I tackled new textbook of Kanji. This textbook contains 17 practice exam which format immitates a real exam. It took about 2 hours and half to finish the first one. I have to tackle rest of the textbook, which seems to be hard. But I enjoy studying Kanji.

I also tackled the Russian textbook. Although this book is written in English, it seem that I’m able to study with it except for exercises about translating Russsian to English because I’m not good at writing English.

And, I also have to keep the rule reading “The Cobra Event” 20 pages each day. There are too many things to do, but I feel fun.

Automatic Correction Results by AI

The correction results are as follows:

Overall Comments

It seems like the student has made some common mistakes in grammar, spelling, and word choice in their diary. Let’s correct these errors to make the diary more accurate and natural-sounding in English.

Revised Diary

Saturday, 27 April 2024

Yesterday, a terrible thing happened. My housemate accidentally spilled soy sauce all over the room. He drank so much that he didn’t realize what he did, so he fell asleep immediately. The room was filled with the smell of soy sauce. During the night, I desperately cleaned all over the room. However, I wasn’t able to find out where the drops were actually scattered. The room was too messy to search. Even though the smell was reduced with my efforts, there was still a faint smell lingering.

Today, I found soy sauce in a narrow space on the surface of a speaker. It is supposed to be the reason for the faint smell, so I managed to clean that space with a plastic card. I covered the card with a wet cloth and inserted it into that space. Such hard work. I hope the smell vanishes.

This morning, I started on a new Kanji textbook. This textbook contains 17 practice exams which imitate a real exam format. It took about 2 and a half hours to finish the first one. I have to work through the rest of the textbook, which seems to be challenging. But I enjoy studying Kanji.

I also started on a Russian textbook. Although this book is written in English, it seems that I’m able to study with it except for exercises that involve translating Russian to English because I’m not good at writing in English.

Additionally, I have to continue the rule of reading “The Cobra Event” for 20 pages each day. There are so many things to do, but I’m having fun.

Explanation of Corrections

  1. “happened” instead of “happend” – Corrected the spelling.
  2. “soy sauce” instead of “soy source” – Corrected the word choice.
  3. “fall asleep” instead of “fell into asleep” – Improved grammar.
  4. “was full of” instead of “full of” – Added appropriate preposition for clarity.
  5. “all over the room” instead of “all over the room” – Improved accuracy.
  6. “desperately cleaned” instead of “desperately cleaning” – Changed to correct verb form.
  7. “drops were actually scattered” instead of “were actually scattered” – Clarified the sentence.
  8. “it with a plastic card” instead of “it with plastic card” – Added the article “a” for correctness.
  9. “finished the first one” instead of “finish the first one” – Corrected verb tense.
  10. “work through the rest” instead of “tackle rest” – Improved phrasing for better expression. (complete)
Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or thoughts!