English Hello World
English essays to improve my English

May 1, 2024

Golden Week

Wednesday, 1 May, 2024

Today I went to my office like yesterday. There was a colleague at the office.

Today I dealt with a lot of tasks. I did pair programming with my colleague. Some tasks were a little difficult for us, but I tackled the difficulties one by one.

Two days later Golden Week will start. I thought of what to do during the Golden Week. I won’t waste time to do nothing. I plan to learn kanji, Russian, and signal processing. I also want to grasp overview of generative AI and data engieering.

After I returned home, I had dinner. Then I studied kanji as usual. After that, I studied Russsian. Today I learned several Russian pronounciation rules. They are too complicated… The textbook is written in English, so the author use the examples of English pronouciation. But I don’t understand these examples because I’m Japanese. However, I’m very thrilled to learn Russian in English.

Japanese language is maybe complex for foreigners. For example, the following sentence: Kisya no kisya ha kisya de kisya sita. There “kisya” have completely the same sounds, but each “kisya” has different meanings. Japanese understand the meaning of this sentence by the context. Does it seem complex for foreigners, doesn’t it? Learning languages is very interesting. I’m interested in the history of how the language was formed.

Today I’m going to do some chores, then I’ll spend to read “The Cobra Event” for the rest of the day.

Automatic Correction Results by AI

The correction results are as follows:

Overall Comments

Great job on your diary! You have conveyed your day and thoughts effectively. Keep up the good work!

Revised Diary

Wednesday, 1 May, 2024

Today I went to my office like yesterday. There was a colleague at the office.

Today I dealt with a lot of tasks. I did pair programming with my colleague. Some tasks were a little difficult for us, but I tackled the difficulties one by one.

Two days later Golden Week will start. I thought about what to do during Golden Week. I won’t waste time doing nothing. I plan to learn kanji, Russian, and signal processing. I also want to grasp an overview of generative AI and data engineering.

After I returned home, I had dinner. Then I studied kanji as usual. After that, I studied Russian. Today I learned several Russian pronunciation rules. They are too complicated… The textbook is written in English, so the author uses examples of English pronunciation. But I don’t understand these examples because I’m Japanese. However, I’m very excited to learn Russian in English.

The Japanese language may be complex for foreigners. For example, consider the sentence: Kisya no kisya ha kisya de kisya sita. Here, “kisya” has the same sounds, but each “kisya” has different meanings. Japanese people understand the meaning of this sentence through context. Doesn’t it seem complex for foreigners? Learning languages is very interesting. I’m interested in the history of how languages were formed.

Today I’m going to do some chores, then I’ll spend time reading “The Cobra Event” for the rest of the day.

Explanation of Corrections

  1. Replaced “of” with “about” for better clarity.
  2. Changed “to do” to “doing” for smoother flow.
  3. Corrected “engieering” to “engineering” for spelling.
  4. Replaced “use” with “uses” for subject-verb agreement.
  5. Adjusted “pronounciation” to “pronunciation” for accuracy.
  6. Fixed “Russsian” to “Russian” for correct spelling.
  7. Clarified “language was formed” to “languages were formed” for accuracy. (complete)
Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or thoughts!