Wednesday, 8 May, 2024
I have been thinking how I can be a good person. I want to be a useful person for someone, that is far away as I’m.
Today I went to my office. Our team had a scrum event since it was Wednesday. I was assigned to several tasks. Uh…I don’t feel like writing a diary.
I’m stuck. How is going on my life? I want to be a normal person like everyone else. But how?
Automatic Correction Results by AI
The correction results are as follows:
Overall Comments
It’s great to see you reflect on how you can be a better person in your diary. Consider adding more details about your day and feelings to make your diary more engaging.
Revised Diary
Wednesday, 8 May, 2024
I have been thinking about how I can be a good person. I want to be a helpful person to someone, even if they are far away.
Today, I went to the office. Our team had a scrum event since it was Wednesday. I was assigned several tasks. Hmm… I don’t feel like writing in my diary today.
I feel stuck. How is my life going? I want to be a normal person like everyone else. But how?
Explanation of Corrections
- “I have been thinking how I can be a good person.” – Corrected to “I have been thinking about how I can be a good person.” This adjustment clarifies the intention of thinking about being a good person.
- “I want to be a useful person for someone, that is far away as I’m.” – Adjusted to “I want to be a helpful person to someone, even if they are far away.” This change makes the sentence flow more naturally.
- “Several tasks. Uh…I don’t feel like writing a diary.” – Changed to “Several tasks. Hmm… I don’t feel like writing in my diary today.” To maintain the tone and flow of the sentence.
- “How is going on my life?” – Revised to “How is my life going?” for correct grammar. (complete)