Thursday, 8 August, 2024
Since I’ll devote my spared time to read “Crisis In The Red Zone” today, I let this diary be short.
This morning I tackled interpreting English sentences. When unknown words appeared, I retrieved the meanings, meanwhile I usually remain them unknown during reading an English book. This action will help me comprehend the sentence deeply. I’ll keep up it.
I couldn’t study kanji because I was worried about earthquake forecasting. Tomorrow I’ll make much effort.
Automatic Correction Results by AI
The correction results are as follows:
Overall Comments
Overall, your diary is well-written with clear points about your activities for the day. Just some minor grammar and wording adjustments have been made for better clarity and correctness.
Revised Diary
Thursday, 8 August 2024
Since I will devote my spare time to reading “Crisis In The Red Zone” today, I am keeping this diary short.
This morning, I worked on interpreting English sentences. When unknown words appeared, I looked up their meanings. However, I usually leave them unknown while reading an English book to help me understand the sentence better. I will continue this practice.
I couldn’t study kanji because I was concerned about earthquake forecasting. I will put in more effort tomorrow.
Explanation of Corrections
- Changed “I’ll” to “I will” for a more formal tone.
- Replaced “spared” with “spare” to correct the verb form.
- Changed “let” to “am keeping” for better tense continuity.
- Adjusted “tackled” to “worked on” for smoother expression.
- Replaced “retrieved” with “looked up” for a more common term.
- Adjusted “meanwhile I usually remain them unknown” to “However, I usually leave them unknown” for clarity and coherence.
- Amended “comprehend the sentence deeply” to “understand the sentence better” for clearer meaning.
- Changed “couldn’t study kanji” for “couldn’t study kanji” for consistency.
- Adjusted “much effort” to “more effort” for improved expression. (complete)