English Hello World
English essays to improve my English

August 9, 2024


Saturday, 10 August, 2024

I’m prone to being influenced by the surrounding people. Therefore, I tend to do what they expect to me rather than what I want to do. When someone questions me what I want to eat, I can’t help but think “Well, I want to eat a ramen, but he/she may not want to eat it…” I have had this portrait since I was a child. Now, I don’t know what I really want and want to do. I’m suffered from this. How can I restore my real desire?

I was graded high when I was a student. This doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m smart. Obtaining high score on the paper tests is different from acting as a good social person. Parents are bothered with their children’s grades, but I insist that the grades were definitely not relevant to their children’s social success. Although high-graded children are likely to success, it merely happen by chance. I want parents to focus on children’s indivisual personality and to respect their desire. Studying at a school is just a part of humanity life.

I may regret my life. I had a lot of turning points in my life, and I think I made a best choice at each point. However, were they really right? I don’t think so.

Automatic Correction Results by AI

The correction results are as follows:

Overall Comments

Your diary content is thoughtful and introspective, discussing personal struggles and reflections. It’s great that you are expressing your feelings and concerns. Remember to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure for clearer communication.

Revised Diary

Saturday, 10 August 2024

I’m prone to being influenced by the people around me. Therefore, I tend to do what they expect of me rather than what I truly want to do. When someone asks me what I want to eat, I can’t help but think, “Well, I want to eat ramen, but he/she may not want to eat it…” This trait has been with me since I was a child. Now, I find myself unsure of my own desires and goals. I am struggling with this. How can I rediscover my true desires?

I excelled academically when I was a student. However, being graded highly does not necessarily mean I am intelligent. Achieving high scores on tests does not equate to being a good social person. Parents often emphasize their children’s grades, but I believe that grades do not determine a child’s social success. While high-achieving children may have a higher likelihood of success, it is not guaranteed. I urge parents to focus on their children’s individual personalities and to respect their aspirations. Education is only a part of human life.

I may have regrets about my life. I have encountered many turning points in my life, and I believed I made the best choices at each juncture. But upon reflection, were they truly the right decisions? I am beginning to doubt that they were.

Explanation of Corrections

  1. “influenced by the surrounding people” – “influenced by the people around me”: This change makes the sentence clearer and more natural.
  2. “expect to me” – “expect of me”: The preposition “of” is used to show what is expected of someone.
  3. “I have had this portrait” – “I have had this trait”: “Trait” is more appropriate in this context to refer to a characteristic or habit.
  4. “I’m suffered from this” – “I am suffering from this”: Present continuous tense is more suitable here to show an ongoing situation.
  5. “Obtaining high score on the paper tests is different from acting as a good social person.” – “Obtaining a high score on paper tests is different from being a good social person.”: Corrected for clarity and grammar.
  6. “Parents are bothered with their children’s grades” – “Parents are concerned about their children’s grades”: “Concerned” is more appropriate in this context.
  7. “children’s indivisual personality” – “children’s individual personalities”: Corrected for plural agreement.
  8. “turning points in my life, and I think I made a best choice” – “turning points in my life, and I thought I made the best choices”: Corrected for verb tense consistency and clarity. (complete)
Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or thoughts!